Student orientation

Student orientation or new student orientation, (often encapsulated into an Orientation week, Welcome Week[1] or Freshers' Week) is a period of time at the beginning of the academic year at a university or other tertiary institution during which a variety of events are held to orient and welcome new students. The name of the period varies by country. The orientation helps new students to organize their classes, acclimate to student life, and introduce themselves to other new students.

Although usually described as a week, the length of this period varies widely from university to university and country to country, ranging from about three days to a month or even more (e.g. four or five weeks, depending on program, at Chalmers). The length of the week is often affected by each university's tradition as well as financial and physical constraints. During this period, students participate in a wide range of social activities, including live music and other performances, sports challenges, stunts, and open-air markets.



The week before the term starts is known as: Frosh (or frosh week) in most colleges and universities in the United States/Canada, others call it by the acronym SOAR for Student Orientation And Registration[2]; Freshers' week in the majority of the United Kingdom and Ireland and Orientation week or O-week in countries such as Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. In Sweden, it is known as nollning (from nolla, "zero", in this case meaning zeroth-year student, i.e., before the first university year starts) or inspark (being "kicked in" to university life). Orientation week is the coming phrase in the United States. Some schools use the acronym WOW for Week of Welcome.

In Canada, first year students are called "Frosh" or "first years." In the United States, first year university students are typically referred to as freshmen. In Australia and New Zealand first year students are known simply as "first years", although in some the colleges of the University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney they are also called "Freshers". In the U.K. and Ireland first year students are known as freshers or first years. Freshies is also an emerging term in New Zealand. In Sweden, the student is a nolla (a "zero") during the orientation period and usually upgraded to the status of an etta (student who is in her/his first college term) at a ceremony involving a fancy three-course dinner and a lots of singing.

Orientation week around the world


In Australia, some universities require students to arrive at university a week before classes start in order to gain course approval. This also allows students a chance to orient themselves to student life without the pressure of lectures - hence the term Orientation week is used to describe this week of induction into university life.

In Australian universities, such as the University of Melbourne, University of New South Wales and University of Sydney, the final night is usually celebrated with a large-scale event such as a famous band playing at an entertainment venue on campus. This is generally followed by continued partying and drinking, especially among students living in residential colleges such as Janet Clarke Hall and Ormond College.

The Adelaide University O-Week [1] runs from Monday to Thursday in the week before lectures begin. During O-Week sporting clubs and societies set up a variety of tented areas where clubs display their activities. The Adelaide University Union coordinates a variety of events centering around beer, bands and barbecues on the lawns near the Union complex. A major event for the week is the O-Ball (live entertainment and licensed areas) which takes place in the Cloisters (Union House). The O-Ball attracts many thousands of revellers, not all of whom are Adelaide University students. In recent times Sports and Clubs have sought to distance themselves from the student union and student association controlled activities and have set themselves up on the Maths lawns.

The Australian National University has a full week (Sunday to Sunday) [2] of events, parties and social activities open to all students of the university, organised by the Australian National University Students Association. The residential colleges often have their own "O-week" activities catered primarily for residents as well as "Toga Night" held at Burgmann College open to students from all residential colleges.


In Canada, the nature and length of orientation week varies considerably between Universities. For instance, Ottawa, has two universities within its urban centre; the University of Ottawa and Carleton University, both with orientations spanning over approximately 7 days. At The University of Ottawa, Frosh Week is Called 101 week. At Carleton University there exist multiple orientations, SPROSH (Sprott Frosh), ENG Frosh, Radical Frosh, and lastly the largest, CUSA/RRRA/SEO Frosh. In the province of Quebec, because of the CEGEP system, "froshies" are of legal drinking age. Therefore, Frosh activities in Quebec contain organized pub crawls and drinking games. Moreover, the proximity of the two Ottawa universities also allows them to take advantage of the drinking age in neighbouring Gatineau, Quebec. The University of British Columbia cancels the first day of class for all students, and hosts an orientation day for all new students, called Imagine Day. As of 2007, the faculty of science also holds an annual, day-long Science Frosh event for approximately 300 first-year students and the commerce faculty holds a 3 day-long frosh weekend before classes begin. The University of Toronto has a number of different "Frosh Weeks" organized concurrently by different student groups within the university; including the societies of the different colleges, professional faculties (including perhaps the most well known organized by the University of Toronto Engineering Society, Skule (engineering society), in which 'F!ROSH' and 'F!ROSH Leedurs' dye their bodies purple) and the University of Toronto Students' Union. However, Queen's University, McGill University and Western have ranked in the top three for consecutive years. McMaster University also organizes many events during what they term as "Welcome Week", including concerts by artists such as Alexisonfire. The week strongly encourages solidarity, first with members of one's own residence (or for off-campus students, the SOCS ( Society of Off Campus Students)), and later the members of a student's faculty. University of Guelph holds many orientation activities for its incoming students. The main event is the pep rally in which students from each residence perform a dance on the football field. The Guelph Engineering Society also hosts a series of special events for Engineering Frosh including frosh olympics, beach day, and a havenger scunt


In Finnish universities, the student organizations for each department independently organize orientation activities for the new students in their respective departments. New students are often assigned in groups to an upperclassman tutor and participate in many activities with their tutoring group. New students may be referred to as piltti (child), fuksi (freshman), fetus or other names according to their major subject. Activities for new students may include "orienteering", pub crawls, sporting events, swimming in fountains or other forms of "baptism", sitsit parties and saunas. It is also considered important for the new students to participate in the regular activities of the student department organizations.


Hazing is a main aspect in Freshmens' (or OSPEK for University Orientation and MOS for Middle School or High School). A typical orientation may consist of verbal harassment as well as initiation leading to humiliation. A typical OSPEK week lasts for three to five days and at times inclusive of a trip to a remote area. OSPEK in Indonesia has event organizers that consists of seniors, instead of an educational board run event. What makes orientation in Indonesia distinctive to other countries would arguably be the freshmens' requirement to wear unusual accessories (i.e. Freshmens were asked to wear hats made of bird's nest, necktie made of folded paper, and bring sack instead of rucksack). Harsh physical punishments were not uncommon during the Suharto era, and mass media continues to report inhumane activities during those orientation that led to a few cases of death. Nowadays orientation is more tolerable as physical abuse is forbidden but it is still criticized by many psychologists and people as 'too much' because of excessive verbal harassment like shout to the juniors and wear unusual accessories is still practised in Middle school or High school orientation. And it is also still criticized by many parents for being economically inconvenient. The reason cited by psychologists is that OSPEK is often used as a tool of revenge done by the board of organizers for what the seniors did to them during their freshman year.[3] And because of this there are so many people who think if ospek or mos is unnecesarry. [4] [5] The 'cruelty' of ospek and mos varies between universities and schools in Indonesia.[6]

New Zealand

As in Australia, in New Zealand students have a week to orient themselves to university life before the start of formal classes. This orientation week is a time for many social events, and is often a reason for alcohol fests. Flat warmings are often held within the time limit to couple the alcohol oriented event with the general party week.

In New Zealand's main university towns such as Dunedin and Palmerston North (where students make up around one fifth of the population) orientation week leads a wide range of events. Many top overseas and local bands tour the country at this time, and the orientation tour is one of the highlights of the year's music calendar. The University of Otago in the Scottish-settled city of Dunedin traditionally holds a parody of the Highland Games called the Lowland Games, including such esoteric events as porridge wrestling.

Student pranks were once common during orientation week, but have fallen out of favour in recent years. Until recent years, many halls of residence also inducted new residents with "Initiation" (a form of hazing, though considerably milder than the rituals found among American college fraternities).

Although officially designated as a week, in several New Zealand universities and polytechnics orientation week stretches to over ten days.


Most Swedish universities have some kind of nollning ("zeroing"). This is most extensive at the technical faculties and at the student nation communities of Uppsala and Lund. Since student union membership is mandatory in Sweden (until July 2010), the nollning is usually centrally organized from the student union with support from the universities.

At the old universities, these traditions have often turned civilized after a dark history of hazing. Today, many student unions have strict rules against inappropriate drunkenness, sexual harassment and other problems which might have occurred in the old days.

At the technical faculties, the people who organize the nollning play roles in a theatrical manner and often wear sunglasses and some form of weird clothes. Most senior students who are mentors during the nollning wear their student overalls or the b-frack (a worn tailcoat). This kind of well-organized nollning has developed at KTH and Chalmers and spread to the rest of the country. Nollning is often thought to be most advanced and organized at the Uppsala Institute of Technology at Uppsala University and Linköping Institute of Technology at Linköping University. Incidentally, Linköping is also the university that has the most widely spread use of student-overalls.

Nollning is also arranged at many of the Gymnasiums.

In 2007 a 16-year-old girl nearly died during her nollning. When she was found she had a blood alcohol level of 3.64 permille.[3] The Stockholm Municipal Commissioner for Schools Lotta Edholm wants to be able to move the responsible to other schools. Common crimes during nollning is alcohol peddling, illegal threats, sexual harassment and assault and battery.[4] Minister for Schools Jan Björklund demand action from police, teachers and parents.[5]


In Thailand, the activity is commonly called Rubnong (รับน้อง) translated as welcoming of freshman. It takes place in the first week or month of the academic year at universities, and also present in some high schools. The activity purpose is to adapt new students to university culture. Activities include games entertainment and recreation, these let the newcomers get to know other members of the university and reduce tension in the changing environment. Sometimes it includes alcohol. The main object of the rubnong is to let juniors carry on the universities' tradition and identity and to bind together the new generation into one. Long-term activity often includes seniors taking freshman or older years to meals and meetings, usually the most senior pays for it all.

United Kingdom and Ireland

As well as providing a chance to learn about the university, Fresher's week allows students to become familiar with the representatives of their Student Union and to get to know the city or town which is home to the university, often through some form of pub crawl.

Live music is also common, as are a number of organized social gatherings especially designed to allow freshers to make new friends and to get to know their course colleagues. Because of the intensity of activities, there are often many new friendships made, especially in group accommodation, some which do not last past Freshers Week and others that last for the whole University career and longer.

Typically a Freshers' Fair for student clubs and societies is included as part of the activities to introduce new students to facilities on offer, typically outside their course of study, such as societies, clubs, sport, etc. The various societies and clubs available within the University have stalls and aim to entice freshers to join. Most campuses take the opportunity to promote safe sex to their students and sometimes offer leaflets on the subject and free condoms, as well as promoting the Drinksafe campaign. The aim is to lower the rate of sexually transmitted disease and to reduce the level of intoxication commonly witnessed in Freshers' Week.

United States

Freshmen is the traditional term for first-year students arriving at school, but the slang term 'frosh'[7] is also used. Lasting between a few days and a week, the orientation is their informal introduction and inauguration to the institution. The first-year students are led by fellow students from upper years over the course of the week through various events ranging from campus tours, games, competitions, and field trips. Despite the fact that most first-year students are below the legal drinking age, heavy drinking and binge drinking may occur outside the orientation curriculum.

In many colleges, incoming freshmen are made to perform activities such as singing of songs, engaging in group physical activities, and playing games. These activities are often done to help freshmen make friends at their new establishment, and also to bond with each other and the upperclassmen.

Some programs require their organizers to sign waivers stating they will not be under the influence of any substances over the course of the week as they are responsible for the well-being of the students. Most programs have one final party on the final night to finish off the week of celebrating, in which the organizers join in.

Although it has been officially banned at many schools, hazing is not uncommon during the week. This can be anywhere from the organizers treating the first years students in a playfully discouraging manner to forcing them to endure rigorous trials.

The attitude of the events also depends on the school. Many colleges encourage parents to come to the first day to help new students move into their dormitory, fill out paper work, and get situated.[8] Some schools view their week as an initiation or rite of passage while others view it as a time to build school spirit and pride. In towns with more than one university, there may be a school rivalry that is reflected in the events throughout the week.

At most schools, incoming freshmen arrive at the school for a couple of days during the summer and are put into orientation groups led by an upperclassman trained for the position. Their Orientation Leader will take them around campus, do activities with them, have discussions with them, help them register for the next semester's classes and make them feel comfortable about coming to school in the fall.

United States Transfer Student Orientation

After first-year students have completed some time at their university, they may find that they did not make the right choice, miss being close to home, or simply want to attend a different institution. When this occurs, they may transfer to another university, usually after their first year. Many universities will hold another student orientation similar to freshman orientation for these transfer students. Freshman orientation lasts a few days or a week, on the other hand, transfer student orientation will typically last between one and three days. Transfer orientation’s purpose is to acquaint transfer students with their new university. This usually includes campus tours, introducing transfer students to their adviser or perhaps a few of their teachers, and filling out paperwork for proper enrollment. At some colleges, transfer orientation is mandatory for all transfer students.[9] Unlike freshmen, transfer students are already familiar with the independence of college life. Therefore their orientation focuses mostly on becoming familiar with the layout and policies of their new institution, providing information about essential campus resources, and getting acquainted with other transfer students so they may make friends at their new university.[10] Transfer students may engage in games, conversations with University faculty, and discussions with current students to make acquaintances and learn more about the university.


At Roskilde University in Denmark, orientation week (In Danish rusvejledning) normally last from 1 week and a half up until two whole weeks. During the period 14 teams consisting of 12-16 tutors each takes care of an individual house in which the new students have been allocated. There's normally 1 house of Natural Sciences, 4 of Social Studies and Economics, 4 houses of Arts and Language and 2 of technology and design. Each type of house has an International line as well, where the courses are taught in English instead of danish. Usually these lines represent the international students of the university.

Each tutor group spends 14 weeks (and 3-5 days of preeducation in the spring semester) living on campus before the arrival of the new students (also called ruslings). These periods usually involve heavy amounts of drinking, partying and sexual activity among the tutors themselves. However most festive activities including alcohol only occurs until after 4 pm, due to the alcohol policies of the university. Because of this policy, most of the daily activity is spent on planning and preparing activities for the new students.

When the students arrive all tutor groups welcomes the ruslings with the infamous Marbjergmark show. Usually a display of wacky sketches such as naked people playing chess, smashing rotten eggs at bystanders or themselves or guys chasing midgets with a butcher's knife (to name a few examples).

During the two-week period the tutor group teach and introduce the new students to life at campus. Both the social and educational aspects. As it is with the tutors, festive activities takes place after 4 PM, and educational activities will be held during the day.

The two-week period ends in a four-day period in which the house will leave campus to varied destinations. During these days mostly social activities are held, including the more secret hazing rituals of the university.

The tutors uphold a strict set of rules to maintain a safe and pleasant tutorship to prevent harmful and humiliating hazing rituals. Examples are the presence of minimum two sober tutors at each party (In Danish Ædruvagter). Also it is strongly discouraged to engage in sexual relations to new students. Also it is generally not seen as appropriate to force people to drink alcohol through various games and activities. Furthermore the university dictates that each tutor must be taught basic first aid, as well as a couple of courses in conflict management and basic education psychology.

At DTU(Danish Faculty of Technology and Engineering), Copenhagen Business School and Copenhagen University similar periods are held. They however vary, and are significantly shorter than the overall orientation period spent on Roskilde University.

Further reading

See also


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